Are you a planner or a wisher? Eleanor Roosevelt said, “It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” 1 I’m of the planner variety. I make lists beside my lists and, as my raised-on-the- farm husband says, “I grin like a mule eating briers” when…
Three Ways to Meet God-Given Goals
The first time I heard the following quote by Zig Ziglar, it caused deep thought, although the concept is simple. “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” We don’t take a trip—even to the grocery store—without considering our destination and the purpose for going. If…
365 New Year’s Gifts for You
When we exchange the sweaters that don’t fit and donate duplicate items we received for Christmas, we still have more gifts to open. Yes, after the fireworks fizzle, we will awaken to God’s gift of a new year, a set of 365 days (Lord willing). Like a holiday jigsaw…
Let His Light Shine This Christmas
God used a decades-old decoration to shine His light into my heart and into our Christmas celebration. After my husband affixed our lighted three-feet-tall Christmas star to the front of the house, he said, “Instead of adding white lights all the way across the shrubbery this year, I think I’ll…
The Blessings We Forget
Even in the season of Thanksgiving, we can forget precious blessings from God. This week, when I read an email from a friend, I realized my gratitude list needed work. In the email, our friends, Chip and Susie, requested prayer and shared news of Will, their friend who’d been bedridden…