Welcome, reader friend. Come on in and make yourself at home. We’ll sit six feet apart, of course. You haven’t had a fever in the last 48 hours, have you? (Wink, wink) Would you like coffee or hot tea to sip as we visit? Help yourself. Ready to chat? We’ll…
Pre-Christmas Heart Check
Why, oh why did Dr. Jones schedule an appointment in mid-December? Who has time for that? My heart is fine. As holiday prep time grew shorter, my to-do list grew longer. My peace meter registered closer to frayed-at-the-seams-frantic than to Christmas card-perfect. “This appointment is a waste of…
Think on These Things
Who’s that singing? I peered through the glass of the storm door and discovered a little sparrow belting out an aria on the deck. The sight beyond the sparrow quickly turned my smile into a frown. Thin-stemmed, summer plants drooped over the edges of pots and cried for replacements. The…
Six Ways to Cling to God
On a recent walk I noticed a little vine that held fast to the surface it claimed as its home—the trunk of an immense pine tree. The graceful, serrated leaves contributed to the vine’s delicate appearance and created contrast against the furrowed gray-brown bark. How did the vine cling to…
Finding Pandemic Gratitude and Service
The little bird figurine in the photo above sits on my kitchen counter and reminds me, “Every day is a gift from God.” I gave the bird to my mom to encourage her when she struggled to maintain her usual optimism in the face of congestive heart failure and muscle…