How to Embrace a New Season of the Heart: Take Steps and Rest

How to Embrace a New Season of the Heart: Take Steps and Rest


In Georgia, we moved from early Spring to, as we say around here, pollen season. Although the heavy coat of mustard-colored powder required me to clean my deck and car, pollen serves a purpose. It signals a time of bees, butterflies, and more flowers. Like Spring, every season is beautiful, a creation of God—in nature and in our hearts.

I needed to repeat the wash-off-nature’s-pollen chore several times, and the freshness led me to the next step—replacing the deck pillows, potting colorful annuals, and moving my quiet time moments from inside to outdoors.

Now, in late Spring, I’m wondering how God will lead me in this new season of the heart. He promises to continue His work in believers (Philippians 1:6). I don’t want to miss a single step.

God promises to continue His work in believers for every season Share on X

Sometimes direction means move, take a step. Sign up for the Bible study class, send a card, or put the soda down, girl, and drink more water (Maybe that’s just for me).

Other times, the next step is pause, sit down, be still, listen.

If you’re in a new season, perhaps lessons I’m learning will help you.

My lessons include action steps—to follow clear commands in Scripture and to spend quiet, still moments to pause and absorb truths from His Word as I wait for His direction.

The combination of action and quiet reminds me of a spring walk in a pretty wooded area.



Pay attention as you go.

Sit on a trail bench and rest.

Listen, soak it in, absorb the moments, and rest to prepare for the next section of the trail.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV

Your turn

What lessons have you learned about following God into and through a new season?

For any season

For every season—and every day—God gives us the gift of His presence. What joy to pull up a chair to His table each day and spend time with Him in prayer and Bible reading. Time spent with God equips us to honor Him and pass along blessings to others.

My book, A Place at His Table: God’s Daily Gifts to Satisfy Your Heart, includes stories that occurred at a table. Each one leads to biblical truth about a particular gift from God, such as acceptance, help in trials, and rest. There are also fun Table Tips at the end of each devotion.

Readers have purchased copies of A Place at His Table, applicable to any season, for birthday, hostess, and get-well gifts, and for an inspirational summer read.

Here’s the link:

If you’ve found blessings in my book, please consider leaving a brief review. If you’ve already left one, thank you.

Please feel free to share this post!

18 thoughts on “How to Embrace a New Season of the Heart: Take Steps and Rest

  1. New seasons can bring great trial or marvelous joy. Either way, these changes are challenging. Your suggestions are very helpful and so is your devotional. I look forward to each day I delve into A Place At His Table. I go through the book and start again and find new hope and blessings.

    • Jeannie Waters

      Katherine, I’m delighted you’re enjoying A Place at His Table. As you said, new seasons can bring trials and joys. What comfort to know God meets us in both.

  2. Because new seasons are new, they offer challenges-good and hard. Resting and pausing are not wasting time but are significant “something’s” if we want to approach in a positive way.

    • Jeannie Waters

      Marilyn, I agree. Rest and time with God fuel us for the next step. Thank you.

  3. Dearest Jeannie. You always say the very things that my heart needs to hear. I’ve always thought that business made me worthy. I have learned that quiet time with the Lord is helping me become more worthy, at least in my eyes and mind. God loves me always and when I am still and listen for Him. Btw: your picture is beautiful, as are you!

    • Jeannie Waters

      Sandy, your comments are a hug to my heart. We’re learning the same lesson, my friend. God is always faithful.

  4. New seasons are often filled with a range of emotions–excitement, trepidation, maybe even resentment. I’m so glad we can bring those emotions to God and know He’ll sort them out and give us solid direction. Thanks, Jeannie, for an inciteful message.

    • Jeannie Waters

      Annie, what a comfort for us to know God sees into our hearts and accepts us as we are, children coming to our loving a Father with all our emotions and needs. Thank you.

  5. Yvonne Morgan

    New seasons can be so difficult especially when they are unforeseen. But, your advice is perfect for those times in our lives. We need to slow down, listen and rest in Him. Thanks Jeannie.

    • Jeannie Waters

      Yes, some new seasons are difficult and give us new opportunities to trust God. I agree we need to rest in Him and listen. Thank you, Yvonne, for commenting.

  6. Thank you Jeannie. It was a wonderful and insightful post. I remember in the illness of our daughter how exhausting the emotional toll was for us. This reminds me how important God’s Word and rest were during that season.

  7. I don’t like change. There. I’ve said it. But now that I’ve said it, I also acknowledge that change is inevitable and sometimes even good (imagine that!). Your wise advice about how to navigate change is wise and Spirit led. Thank you.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      I agree change is sometimes hard, Lori. I’m grateful you found value in the post. Thanks so much.

  8. Jeannie Waters

    I’m glad you found value in these words, Sylvia. Thank you for underlining the importance of rest and time in God’s Word, two essential parts of our growth in Christ.

  9. Evelyn Mason Wells

    Jeannie, thank you for this insightful post. As we walk our path in life and listen for His voice, we more and more walk the path Jesus chooses for us. Thanks for reminding us to just rest in His presence.

    • Jeannie Waters

      I have to remind myself to rest in His presence. Thank you for reading and commenting, Evelyn.

  10. J.D. Wininger

    May new seasons be filled with excitement about what is to come. I pray we can all embrace them with a zest for life and peace knowing Who is with us along the journey. God’s blessing for this inspiring post, ma’am.

    • Jeannie Waters

      Thank you, J.D. You’re right. Facing new seasons and challenges knowing God is with us makes all the difference and gives us hope.

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