Ungrateful. Unsettled. Unexcited. I’m sorry to admit that was the state of my heart when I first contemplated Thanksgiving this year. My gratitude journal reflected numerous blessings, but the thought of another holiday without my mother saddened me. Mama was the heart of festivities for every holiday gathering. She created…
You Are Enough
I am participating in the Writing Contest: You Are Enough, hosted by Positive Writer. https://www.facebook.com/PositiveWriter/ Whether you’re a writer or have other gifts to share, I hope this post opens your eyes to the treasures inside of you that the world needs. You Are Enough Look at you! Deep inside of…
Be Encouraged to Encourage
by Evelyn Wells I’m happy to introduce my first guest blogger! Evelyn Wells is my sweet cousin who recently won an award for her writing. I’m so proud of her and thankful she agreed to share encouragement with us. Her bio follows the post. Here’s her post: “You did a…
Holiday Prep: Take a Break First!
At the beginning of each month, I post ideas for meaningful gifts to help us share joy and encouragement with other people. Guess what. This month, the gift idea is for Please nestle into a comfy chair and accept this package, beautifully wrapped and bearing a tag with your name…
It’s a Trust Issue
Recently, our sweet two-year-old granddaughter stayed with us for a couple of days. We read books, blew bubbles, and visited a playground. Knowing the independent nature of two-year olds, I allowed her to roam freely with few limitations. However, with safety and happiness as my goals, I offered help when…