It’s okay for a grandmother to pray for her granddaughter to catch a butterfly, right? I hope so, because I did. Our budding scientist received a butterfly net as a birthday gift and she was trying hard to catch one of the insects while spending the afternoon with me. Efforts…
Encouraging Speech is Not “for the Birds”
Sometimes I say too much. My intentions are good, and I realize the listener doesn’t need to know all that I know—or think I know—about how to solve her problem. But, sometimes I say too much. Maybe God was teaching me a lesson when I saw a mockingbird who didn’t…
The Pink Hat—Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October 2018
I saw the pink hat with the breast cancer symbol first. A young woman and her husband sat on the hotel patio where I sought a quiet place to read. After saying hello, I sat in an unoccupied section and opened my book. An older lady soon joined us and…
Evening Rest
Do you ever have difficulty “turning off” your mind when you lay your head on your pillow at night? I know this happens to me from time to time. Our brains like to work overtime! The human mind is fascinating. It can trap numerous facts, make decisions, and change focus…
Fall Tips for Closets and Hearts
Goosebumps covered my ten-year-old arms and legs as I skipped rocks on the river beside our grandparents’ cabin. How I wished for my soft, gray corduroy pants on that cool, breezy autumn day! Warm apparel is comforting when fall approaches. Curling up on a cool night with a good book…