
Two Role Models Who Loved God as Their Heavenly Father and Thanked Him for Blessings

This month’s calendar includes a day to honor fathers, but I want to tell you a true story about two mothers, my role models, and the way they thanked their heavenly Father for blessings. My ninety-eight-year-old mother-in-law, Carolyn, went to her heavenly home earlier this year. When the family prepared…

Graduates: Practical Gifts of Influence, Inspiration, and Legacy-a guest post by Marilyn Nutter

 Welcome to Marilyn Nutter, my friend and today’s guest blogger. I know you’ll gain valuable ideas for blessing the graduate and others in your life with her ideas for practical gifts of influence, inspiration, and legacy. Marilyn co-authored Destination Hope: A Travel Companion When Life Falls Apart with April White.…