This month’s calendar includes a day to honor fathers, but I want to tell you a true story about two mothers, my role models, and the way they thanked their heavenly Father for blessings. My ninety-eight-year-old mother-in-law, Carolyn, went to her heavenly home earlier this year. When the family prepared…
Eight Strategies for Remembering Prayer Requests
My Indy 500 day blew past like Dale Earnhardt. I looked at the clock. “Oh no! It’s 3:00. I completely missed my daughter’s exam time.” I’d always promised to pray for her study time and success on final exams. This time, however, I neglected to fulfill this important responsibility. Have…
Graduates: Practical Gifts of Influence, Inspiration, and Legacy-a guest post by Marilyn Nutter
Welcome to Marilyn Nutter, my friend and today’s guest blogger. I know you’ll gain valuable ideas for blessing the graduate and others in your life with her ideas for practical gifts of influence, inspiration, and legacy. Marilyn co-authored Destination Hope: A Travel Companion When Life Falls Apart with April White.…
God Used a Silent Mockingbird to Teach Me Six Biblical Speech Lessons
God used a mockingbird who didn’t sing to teach me a gentle lesson about wise speech. The bird flew from a neighbor’s yard and perched on our holly bush. Wrens, cardinals, and sparrows serenaded the day, but the mockingbird turned her head from side to side as if listening intently…
Two Easter Treasures to Tuck into Your Heart
Our two youngest granddaughters make Easter egg hunts a year-round sport. Whether the calendar reads July, December, or April, as soon as they enter our home, they make their plea, “Gigi, let’s hunt Easter eggs.” Bad weather? Indoors works, too. No matter what other fun we plan, the hunt for…