Seeking Direction for Today

Why did I check the weather for Black Mountain, North Carolina, a city I visited several weeks ago? Rather than searching for local weather predictions, curiosity led me to a town five hours away.

My mind drifts to that place where I fellowshipped with friends at a conference and learned more about writing to honor God. I remember precious people, times, and places. But I can’t “stay” there.

Have you savored recollections of a retreat or a special era in your life, basking in the glow of meaningful moments? Reflecting on treasured memories brings joy and perspective. However, if we look backward too much, we can’t live effectively in the present.

How can we find guidance today, where we are, as we walk in a way that honors Christ? How can we move forward into new adventures with God as we use blessings and knowledge gained in the past? One of my favorite verses contains God’s answer:

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

Psalm 32:8

On this day, wherever we are, we can study God’s Word, seek His answers in prayer, and plan to obey His direction. We may not hear a specific response today, but He promises to teach us and guide our paths.

Do we sense God steering us in a new direction? Do we need to hold something more loosely or let go of it completely? Maybe reluctance to obey God hinders us.

Is the current situation so pleasant that we cement our feet in place even when God leads us to change? Refusal to accept a new job, friendship, ministry, or adventure with God may cause us to miss blessings.

With treasured memories and new understandings tucked into my heart, here is my plan to move forward today with the promise of Psalm 32:8. I hope my ideas encourage you in your journey with God.

I plan:

  • to savor joyful memories and use what I’ve learned as I continue to pursue excellence in responding to God’s call.
  • to communicate with and support new friends, as I allow God to nurture established relationships and create additional ones.
  • to ponder what I read in the Bible daily, pray, and listen to what God is saying.
  • to offer the gift of each new day back to Him as I look for the provisions and surprises God places on my table each morning.
  • to take the next step as He leads me on daily adventures with Jesus.

I rejoice in the blessings of the past, however, I can neither continually look backward on my life nor spend time in regret. On this day and each day, I want to seek God’s guidance and anticipate blessings of obedience in the future, don’t you?

As a reminder of God’s promise, I posted Psalm 32:8 on my desk. Perhaps doing the same and journaling about your walk with God will help keep your focus on Him as you begin each new day.

Recording prayer requests and new truths we learn is a beneficial practice as well. 

It’s time to check the weather app for this place where I live and focus on what God wants to show me. What about you? What helps you look forward and seek God’s best for you? How do past experiences inform your present activity?

I hope you’ll share a word of encouragement with all of us.


  1. At the writers’ conference, I received the blessing of an “Honorable Mention” award for this blog. Thank you, reader friends, for your encouraging comments this past year. I appreciate your support, and I stand amazed that God allows us to be a small part of His work.
  2. I apologize for the delay in sending new posts. Technology glitches hindered my progress for a while, but with problems solved, I can reconnect with you, which is my joy.

Please feel free to share this post!

6 thoughts on “Seeking Direction for Today

  1. Thanks for the timely post Jeannie. I attended the same conference and came home a little confused (okay a lot confused) on how to move forward on my writing. Last night, my wife, and wonderful helpmate, recommended I put a schedule together for moving forward. Your post this morning confirms that for me.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Moving forward is challenging sometimes. I’m glad your wife and the words in the post helped you. Thank you for reading.

  2. Thank you, Jeannie, for your encouraging words and congratulations on your award. In past experiences of seeking God in prayer for a situation or guidance, He has spoken either through His word, speaking to my spirit, or even in a dream. And, I know that God knows my future and I know I can and should seek Him in everything. He will lead.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Cathy, thank you so much for powerful reminders and examples of how He sometimes speaks. I’m glad the words God gave me were encouraging to you and I appreciate you sharing further encouragement.

  3. Katy Kauffman

    Psalm 32:8 is one of my favorite verses. I loved seeing you at the conference!

    I like to remember what God has done and trust Him for the future. He’s taught me that nothing is too hard for Him. The “impossible” is an everyday occurrence with Him. My part is to stay close and be ready for what He has.

    Thanks for your post!

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Katy, I loved seeing you, too and attending your wonderful class. Your summary of our thoughts is perfect: “The “impossible” is an everyday occurrence with Him. My part is to stay close and be ready for what He has.”

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