Finding and Sharing Fall Cheer

Finding and Sharing Fall Cheer

Do you sometimes abandon efficiency and choose the scenic route? I do. While running errands, I drive out of my way to visit my favorite fall site—a street in our town lined with gingko trees.

When the temperature cools, the green fan-shaped gingko leaves transform into bright splashes of yellow. When the leaves fall, the sidewalk looks like sunshine pooled on the earth, and it makes me happy.

Think about the color palette God chooses for fall decorating. Red maple leaves, orange pumpkins, golden chrysanthemums, brown chestnuts, and more. They’re all pretty, but gingko tree yellow is my favorite.

Some homeowners add yellow accessories to brighten living spaces throughout the year. Touches of this pretty color add a feeling of warmth and welcome. Wouldn’t you agree yellow is cheery? And who doesn’t need a bit of cheer in their lives?

Rather than simply a merry feeling when life is smooth, we need a well of cheer deep within our hearts. We could substitute gladness, joy, delight, comfort, or encouragement. 1 The colors of autumn leaves offer a measure of happiness, but, as the Bible teaches, our hearts need the deep cheer, joy, and peace a relationship with Jesus offers.

The colors of autumn leaves offer a measure of happiness, but, as the Bible teaches, our hearts need the deep cheer, joy, and peace a relationship with Jesus offers. Click To Tweet

Even while imprisoned, the Apostle Paul demonstrated the importance of cheering the hearts of other people. With concern for worried friends, he sent Tychicus to encourage them (Ephesians 6:21-22, Colossians 4:7-8).

So too, Jesus wanted His disciples, and us, to have courage, comfort, and cheer in difficult situations. Three of the four gospels—Matthew, Mark, and John—record how Jesus calmed the fears of His disciples during a storm at sea. When water began to fill the boat, they cried out to Him for help. He calmed the storm and comforted the frightened men.

Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.

Matthew 14:27 NKJV

The same words He spoke on the Sea of Galilee comfort and encourage us today. When we’re fearful, lonely, confused, or discouraged, His presence and His words offer us deep-seated joy and peace. In whatever situation we find ourselves, He says, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”

Some Bible translations use the phrase “take courage” rather than “be of good cheer,” but we know that Jesus provides peace and encouragement to troubled souls.

When preparing followers for His death and resurrection, Jesus said,

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

John 16:33 NKJV

What a promise! A well of cheer deep within our hearts.

As gingko trees bring a touch of sunshine to the surrounding area, we can share cheer with others from the well of joy and comfort we find in our relationship with Jesus. When He fills our heart, we have plenty to share. Here are some suggestions for spreading cheer this fall.  

Sharing Fall Cheer

Encouraging Words

  • Write short Bible verses on a small pumpkin and give it to a friend.
  • Choose bookmarks with Bible verses to share with freshly baked oatmeal cookies (homemade or bakery version). Tie the bag with a fall-colored ribbon.
  • Offer to pray with someone who shares a concern.
  • Make a greeting card with a pretty fall picture and add encouraging words.
  • Take time to visit someone who needs a listening ear or fellowship. (Weather changes make good conversation starters.)

Acts of Kindness

  • Take an elderly person who can’t drive for a ride to view autumn’s beauty. Stop for a cup of hot apple cider.
  • Purchase a Thanksgiving meal for someone by contacting a local ministry.
  • Rake a neighbor’s yard as a surprise blessing.
  • Offer to help a widow winter proof her home.
  • Invite neighbors to watch a Saturday football game and attend church with you on Sunday if they don’t have a church of their own. Fire up the grill or serve chili dogs.

Meaningful Gifts

  • Donate warm socks to a homeless shelter.
  • Purchase a gift card for a pumpkin latte or cup of cocoa as a “thinking of you” gift.
  • Bake small loaves of apple or pumpkin bread to share.
  • Take a pot of mums to someone recovering from surgery. 
  • Share a basket of delicious fall apples or place an apple on each co-worker’s desk. Add a card with the following verse:

Keep me as the apple of Your eye;
Hide me under the shadow of Your wings.

Psalm 17:8 NKJV

Let’s brighten someone’s fall day by sharing a little cheer, shall we?

I hope you’ll contribute an idea to the comment section below to add to our “share a little fall cheer” lists. OR perhaps you’ll share a verse that cheers your heart.


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34 thoughts on “Finding and Sharing Fall Cheer

  1. Jeannie, I agree with you that the ginkgo trees are among the most beautiful. The area where we are in Korea is covered in these yellow trees. There is a park flanked by them and when the leaves fall the walkway is a golden carpet. The color yellow does remind us of cheer and encouragement. I really like your ideas and gifts for helping others Happy fall!

  2. I love this, Jeannie. The gingo tree is one of my favorites and makes me feel joy and sunshine. Thank you for the reminder to share joy and be sunshine to others.

    • Norma, I love the way you said the gingkos make you “ feel joy and sunshine.” What an honor is ours to share the joy of Jesus with others as He fills our hearts through nature and His words.

  3. Jeanie, these words are some that really brought me comfort. Going through hard times and situations can
    make us feel so hopeless, but remembering these words brings back
    to our hearts the realization that God is in control.

  4. I agree, Jan, that His words bring comfort—more than anyone or anything else. The words Jesus spoke to the disciples in the boat can calm our fears regardless of the source. I appreciate you stopping by.

  5. I love the very practical suggestions you offer here and jotted down a few to remember. The Scripture you use to support your message is perfect.

    Thanks, Jeannie.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Candyce, I’m delighted you found some of the suggestions helpful.Thank you for telling me. There are so many around us who need the cheer and joy and comfort Jesus gives to us. Even when time is short, we can find ways to share. I’m sure you do.

  6. Oh, how I too enjoy the colors of fall and reminders of God faithfulness in your post Ms. Jeannie. When Ms. Diane and I lived near Chicago, we would try and get to the Morton Arboretum each fall at the peak of season to admire all the foliage. We get some color change here in East Texas, but nothing like y’all get in GA and the northeast. God’s blessings ma’am, and thank you for sharing those gingko trees with us. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen those in the fall.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      J.D., I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Isn’t it refreshing when we notice those signs of God’s faithfulness? It’s equally refreshing to share His blessings with others and to remember He can calm the storms of life.

  7. Thanks Jeannie. As one who has to look for the joys of fall, I now have a new tree to watch for! It was an uplifting and cheery reminder however that joy comes from a Person in every season. Loved it!

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Yes, Sylvia, our joy is from Jesus, as well as our peace, comfort, and encouragement. I’m glad you enjoyed the post and appreciate your comments.

  8. Here in the North Carolina mountains, we don’t have golden ginko trees but we do have golden oaks and beautiful red maples! I especially liked your suggestion of taking a shut-in out for a drive. I add, if this is within the physical condition of your passenger, stop someplace for an ice cream, latte, or other treat and return home using a different route.

  9. Peggy, we’d planned to visit my brother in your state to see the beautiful foliage, but we weren’t able to go. I love the suggestion you added! Thanks so much for your faithful responses.

  10. Jeannie, fall is my favorite times of year. I appreciate your article today. I especially enjoyed the sections where you gave us. Ideas of a way to spread God’s joy this season. Thank you for your insights. and I agree, yellow is a happy color 🙂

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Carla, I’m glad you’re a fellow yellow-lover. I don’t often wear yellow but love to sprinkle it throughout my home. It reminds me of the cheer Jesus adds to my hear each day. Thank you for your comments.

  11. What wonderful ways to share some cheer this fall! I love these ways to share God’s love, Jeannie.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      I’m so glad, Kathy, and appreciate you telling me. It’s really fun to think about God’s comfort, joy, and encouragement, and then find creative ways to share with others in the fall.

  12. There is a street downtown that is lined with ginkgos. It puts on quite the display in fall. I’ve also seen the aspens in Colorado in September, and it’s a sight that will remain with me forever.

    I think a beautiful fall leaf would brighten anyone’s day. It certainly speaks of the passion of the Artist and his attention to detail.

    Thanks for the practical suggestions, Jeannie.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Terri, I’ve only seen pictures of the aspens and can only imagine their beauty. I love your statements: “I think a beautiful fall leaf would brighten anyone’s day. It certainly speaks of the passion of the Artist and his attention to detail.” Yes!

  13. Jeannie, remembering a tree class bit of information, The gingko tree is a
    symbol of resilience and the ginkgo itself is regarded as a “bearer of hope.”
    Only our Lord could give us a tree that reminds us of who we are in Christ.

    We have two gingkos. One that sheds its leaves sporadically and another that drops leaves with in hours. Every fall , it reminds me to let go of all that is burdensome and lay them down at His feet. The scene is a beautiful yellow petticoat taken off a woman who is heavy with the cares of this world.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Susan, your comments, a brief yet beautiful devotion, added cheer to my day. When I check the gingkos in the coming weeks, I’ll remember your words. I know the gingko to be an ancient species, but I didn’t know the meanings you shared. What a beautiful picture of life with Christ. Thank you, sweet friend for reading and adding wise observations.

  14. Fall colors have really spoken to me this year-brilliant examples of Gods artistry and the reliability of His reliability in changing the seasons. Loved your practical suggestions that can fit any schedule.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Marilyn, I love the connection you made to God’s reliability. Thank you so much for including that point. I’ll now look at the signs of fall I see as evidence of His trustworthiness. Isn’t it fun to use seasonal signs to share His love and cheer?

  15. You always give the best suggestions. I love those words Take Courage. I needed that reminder today. Thank you.

  16. Jeannie, I love, love, love your suggestions. I plan to use them to spread some cheer. I always make apple dumplings around Thanksgiving for my neighbors. If you lived closer, you’d get some too!

  17. Annie, what cheer your comments bring to me. Apple dumplings sound delicious. I wish I lived closer.

  18. Fall is not normally my favorite season because I always dread the cold winter and the long wait for spring warmth. But this year, the beauty of fall and the warm days have blessed me beyond measure. I love your suggestions to brighten someone’s fall day. You shared joy and the warmth of loving kindness in your message. Thank you, Jeannie!

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Katherine, like you, fall was never my favorite although it was my mom’s. I’m not a fan of cold weather soon to come. I’m learning to enjoy fall more and see it as one more example of God’s provision. The cooler temps are refreshing as are the beautiful colors. Thanks so much for letting me know you enjoyed the practical ideas I shared. What fun they will be for us to try.

  19. Thanks for the great ideas of how to share cheer this fall. I don’t have the leaves change where I am now, so several good friends sent me pictures. I will look to find ways to encourage others too.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Joanna, I’m so happy you liked the ideas. Thank you for taking time to read and let me know. Isn’t it fun to share the love and cheer of Jesus with others? We don’t have dramatic change here much, but we do have some pretty leaves like the gingkos I mentioned in the post. Happy Fall!

  20. I love fall and all the beautiful colors of leaves. My photos are full of trees adorned with the touch of the master’s hand

  21. Yvonne, I like your description of “trees adorned with the touch of the master’s hand.” They draw our attention to Him, don’t they? When we stop to notice and praise Him, we can share the joy of knowing Him with others. Thanks so much for stopping by.

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