Open the Doorways to Comfort

Open the Doorways to Comfort

Until she died at age 92, my cousin Betty’s words of welcome were always the same.

“Now, you know I don’t cook, but I have plenty of beds, so plan to stay here when you come.”

For breakfast, Betty served coffee with toast. Guests often cooked eggs or made sandwiches in her kitchen, but each evening, our hostess treated us to fresh seafood at a local restaurant.

Soft pillows, fluffy towels, and hearty laughter at family stories enhanced Betty’s relaxed style of entertaining and wrapped us in a warm, put-your-feet-up sense of home.

In a word, comfort.

Whether in her home or away, this dear cousin served as the comfort center of our clan. Her words cheered my accomplishments, and her embrace calmed my grieving heart when my mom died. A mental snapshot of Betty’s bear hugs kindles heart-warmth like few others. Do similar memories soothe your soul?

In a world teeming with fear, unrest, and sin, people around us yearn for comfort—physical, emotional, and spiritual comfort. How can we share this valuable heart balm with others? How can we share God’s comfort with them?

In a world teeming with fear, unrest, and sin, people around us yearn for comfort—physical, emotional, and spiritual comfort. Click To Tweet

Three Doorways to Comfort

The door of our hearts

The key to blessing those around us with authentic comfort is opening the door of our hearts to God. We simply can’t give what we don’t have. When we surrender our lives to Jesus, He fills us with His Spirit and guides us as we minister to others. The work of Christ in us promises His comfort now and in eternity.

How can we open this portal of blessing for ourselves and others? When we listen to God through prayer and Bible study, He comforts our heartaches and equips us to meet needs in His strength.

The door of our homes

When we open the door of our homes to others, we forge relationships and find hearts knit together in our cozy nest. The aroma of food cooking excites olfactory senses, but five-course dinners served on fine china are not required. Whew! Cookouts or coffee-and-cake chats are delightful!

Physical signs of welcome, such as pineapple motifs or cheery doormats, add visual appeal, but God’s love, care, and acceptance tucked into the heart of guests by their hosts are long-lasting and comforting.

Physical signs of welcome, such as pineapple motifs or cheery doormats, add visual appeal, but God’s love, care, and acceptance tucked into the heart of guests by their hosts are long-lasting and comforting. Click To Tweet

The door of opportunity

After we seek God’s guidance, He sprinkles glittering jewels on our path—opportunities to extend His comfort to others outside of our homes. Those jewels of opportunity may be encapsulated in hard work, but when we cross the threshold set before us, others experience His comfort.

Is there an elderly neighbor who would cherish a visit or a friend seeking the comfort of Jesus and assurance of eternal life? Do you know a widow who needs a dinner invitation or assistance at her home? Is God tugging at your heart about a ministry door you’re reluctant to open?

The door of our heart, the door of our home, or the door of opportunity—which one will we open this week? Behind all three, treasures await us.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,
who comforts us in all our troubles,
so that we can comfort those in any trouble
with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV

I’d love to hear your thoughts about doorways to comfort.

 My post first appeared on In the Quiver, 3.22.18. Click here if you’d like to read or share a collection of family-centered posts by a variety of writers. In the Quiver, a site for families

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24 thoughts on “Open the Doorways to Comfort

  1. Such wonderfully freeingl thoughts about welcoming those around us without the stress of perfection! Just be a conduit for the love of Jesus!

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Jana, I love the way you phrased that–a conduit. That’s a perfect description of His comfort flowing through us to another person. God’s Spirit works through us as we yield to Him and make ourselves available to minister to others. Thank you so much for commenting and letting me know the post was a blessing to you.

  2. I love the verse you mentioned, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4! I think having a similar experience helps you understand more to encourage someone else. My email address has a verse in it that helped me through an embezzlement that caused us to lose our business, Gen 50:20. Having a verse that applied to my situation helped me remember and reframe my experience every time I sent an email.
    Encouragement doesn’t have to be something big. Listening helps. Praying for them helps. Being there helps.

  3. Donna, how wise you were to include a Bible verse reference in your email address. I’m thankful it helped you through a difficult season. Although we don’t always have answers for another person, I agree that our experiences help us understand and encourage others, as well as teaching us how to pray for them. Thank you so much for your comments.

  4. Jimmie+Annette+Ballard

    Thank you Jeannie you got to my heart with your words. Time to get busy serving others.

  5. I miss my Sadie visits. You Mother always welcomed me into her home with open arms & a hug. Jesus is always here to welcome us with a much needed hug. What comfort knowing that He is always here for us! He desires that we share His love with those around us who desperately need a touch, a kiss, or a word of encouragement.Sweet Sadie was always an extension of His Love.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Thank you for sharing sweet memories, Karen. She understood how to share the love of Jesus with others, didn’t she? Yes, as you said, it’s a comfort to know He is always available to us and that He allows us to minister to others. Your comments mean so much to me.

  6. You have a big heart, Jimmie, and you love others well. Thanks so much for your comment. It means more than you know to read that God’s message to me helps someone else.

  7. Hi Jeannie, I had an aunt also, who was known for her simple hospitality. She lived alone until she was 95, and her table was the home of many ragamuffin types who came to trust Jesus better because of His love that overflowed out to them from Aunt Mabel’s heart. Thank you for reminding me of the simple hospitality that Jesus asks of us.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Dawn, I wish I could have known your Aunt Mabel. It seems that simple is our theme here today–Jesus fills us with His love and comfort and we share those blessings with others. May we all be more like Aunt Mabel. Thank you so much for sharing.

  8. People like your aunt seem to be disappearing. The older generation was one about kindness and hospitality but in our present world the focus is more on rushing to the next event. Those comforting times did minister to people and soothe lonely hearts. May we learn from them and carry on their legacy of sharing homes and conversation. Thank you, Jeannie!

    • Jeannie Waters

      I agree, Barbara, that we must carry on the legacy. I notice some people in our children’s generation still reach out to others but with more simplicity. I’m currently searching for feasible ways to do this. Victoria Duerstock’s book, Extraordinary Hospitality for Ordinary Christians is a wonderful resource.

  9. Your words always bring me comfort! Thanks for reminding me how to be more intentional in providing comfort to others. It’s sorely needed in these times when we can so easily become isolated in our digital worlds.

  10. Jeannie Waters

    Candyce, how right you are that people around us need comfort. We all do. You’re right that technology, as valuable as it is, can contribute to isolation. I think busyness is another culprit. I’m thankful for God’s comfort and the way He allows us to share it with others. I appreciate your comments so much.

  11. J.D. Wininger

    What a wonderful blessing your post brought today Ms. Jeannie. I sure needed the “heart hugs” your words invoked. God’s blessings ma’am.

  12. “The key to blessing those around us with authentic comfort is opening the door of our hearts to God. We simply can’t give what we don’t have. ” Right you are, Jeannie. I love this!!!

  13. Thank you, Lori. God has a wonderful plan, doesn’t He? He blesses us and allows us to share His blessings with others.

  14. Thank you, Jeannie. I can just picture the pleasure you had at Cousin Betty’s home. The three doors are insightful.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Thank you for commenting, Carla. We always enjoyed visiting Betty’s comfortable home with her relaxed style of entertaining. What joy we have when we receive God’s comfort and then share it with others.

  15. Every family needs a loving hostess such as your cousin, Betty. Such an inspiring and beautiful message to encourage us to share the love and hospitality of Jesus with others. Thank you for the blessing today, Jeannie.

  16. I suppose ways to share Christ are as varied as people, but I agree with you, Katherine that we all need a loving hostess. I’m sure you’d agree we can also serve as a “hostess” in conversations when we share the love of Jesus with others.

  17. 3 doors–of hearts, homes and opportunity–such a moving illustration of these from your cousin, and mighty spiritual lessons from her open door. Thank you, Jean!

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Thank you, Kathy, for stopping by to read and comment. It’s exciting to think of the doors of opportunities God offers to us, isn’t it?

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