Three Ways YOU Can Influence the Lives of Hundreds: Pray for Schools in Your Community

Three Ways YOU Can Influence the Lives of Hundreds: Pray for Schools in Your Community

My friend Jodi posted a prayer request this morning. She’s not ill, nor has she lost a loved one. She desires prayer for herself, her students, and co-workers as she launches her twenty-fifth year of teaching. Each of us can influence the lives of others in three ways by praying and showing support for the schools in our community.

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.

I Timothy 2:1 ESV

Students and Staff Members in Schools Near You Need You.

Instead of complaining and shaking our heads about the woes of our country’s schools, let’s lift the needs of educators and learners in each building to God.

Instead of complaining and shaking our heads about the woes of our country’s schools, let’s lift the needs of educators and learners in each building to God. Click To Tweet

Children need joy and laughter along with academics and the discipline of hard work. I’m praying that joy and academic excellence will fill halls and classrooms this year.

Memories of Joyful School Days

I remember with fondness the happiness in my own children’s hearts when they started to school.

From the moment our son played on the school playground and noticed the bright yellow doors, he was ready to start school. Chocolate brown eyes danced with excitement as he entered Mrs. Tippett’s kindergarten class.

Memories of his second-grade homework assignment make me smile. Not understanding that his teacher meant essay, he wrote a summary of his summer activities and titled the paper “My S. A.” (I didn’t say a word knowing it would give his teacher a smile.) During his college years, he earned an award for one of his essays.

Our daughter—never one for the ordinary—chose sparkly silver pencils and those with a Strawberry Shortcake motif for her school debut. Ponytail bouncing, she skipped in daily with enthusiasm.

My favorite school memory of her is the day she insisted on “taking” her brother for Show-and-Tell. (He obliged her and she beamed proudly.) Another proud and joy-filled moment was when she read her first book independently and shouted, “I can read by myself!”

New school years for me as a teacher involved long days of planning before the official start date, numerous hours of creating an attractive classroom filled with plants and color, and several sleepless nights. I loved the blessing of working as an educator, but only God’s strength and grace yielded success. He filled my heart with joy and the hope of serving Him better each year. Here’s a verse to encourage our educator friends:

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Romans 15:13 ESV

Let’s pray for restoration of joy in learning and academic excellence. We can influence the lives of children and teachers in public, private, church, and home schools by our prayer and support.

We can influence the lives of children and teachers in public, private, church, and home schools by our prayer and support. Click To Tweet

Consider the suggestions below:

Three Ways YOU Can Influence the Lives of Others: Effective Prayer Support for Schools in Your Community

1. Ask God to burden your heart for the school staffs and students in your community and pray regularly for them.

  • Pray as you drive past area schools or when you see school zone signs.
  • Search for the school names in your city and pray for a few each day.
  • Ask God to encourage Christian teachers and pray for the salvation of those who don’t know Christ as Savior.
  • Reach out to educators you know and assure them of prayer support. Ask about specific needs.
  • Talk with students and parents you know and note their concerns in a prayer notebook.

2. Pray for specific groups in public, private, church, and home schools.

Hopes and dreams, and a few tummy butterflies, dance in minds and hearts as a new year begins . . . for children AND educators.

Pray for:

  • new teachers overwhelmed by class sizes, demands, and unmotivated students
  • little ones who are afraid to leave Mama for the first time
  • bus drivers who must concentrate on road safety with a busload of restless riders
  • legislators who pass education laws
  • students with disabilities
  • students whose native language is other than English
  • students who couldn’t or wouldn’t access technology when schools were closed. (The further behind students become in academics, the more likely they will drop-out of school.)
  • those who need school supplies and adequate clothing to feel comfortable with peers (This one breaks my heart.)
  • parents who need to support their children and their children’s teachers
  • teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, counselors, clerical staff, custodians, cafeteria workers, substitute teachers, board members, volunteers and others. All these adults impact the school environment as they interact with students. (I’ve known some Christian custodians and volunteers who encouraged students and teachers daily.)

 3. Put feet on your prayers—show you care.

Already in her seventies, my mom welcomed the opening of a new school down the road from her country home. Southern lady that she was, she planned to bake cookies for the teachers and attach a “Welcome to the Neighborhood” card.

Putting feet on our prayers can result in blessings to others. Here are some suggestions:   
  • Volunteer to read to a class, check in library books, or tutor students. (Most districts require a background check for volunteers who work with children.)
  • A simple card written to administrators and teachers pledging to pray for them the first few weeks or regularly throughout the year will be a blessing. (Hint: A tray of cookies or a fruit basket to accompany the card will add an energy boost and a smile.) Trust this retired educator. It will mean a lot.
  • Adopt a teacher or grade level to support—pray and send notes.
  • For teachers in your church or neighborhood, provide a restaurant gift card or home-cooked meal or basket of fruit and snacks for a quick breakfast or after school refreshments.
  • Check with nearby schools to ask if you can provide supplies, a backpack, or school clothing for children who cannot afford these items.

Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner, but blessed is he who is generous to the poor.

Proverbs 14:21 ESV

Join me in praying for a joy-filled, productive year for educators and students, won’t you?

Please share your prayer commitment and your ideas in the Comments section.

Extra inspiration:

Click the link for a former post about blessing teachers with gifts, acts of kindness, and volunteer efforts.

Three Ways to Bless Teachers

Please feel free to share this post!

35 thoughts on “Three Ways YOU Can Influence the Lives of Hundreds: Pray for Schools in Your Community

  1. What a practical, encouraging, and needed post filled with reasons snd ideas! Thank you for sharing before the school year starts so we can plan.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Thank you, Marilyn. The more I pondered this topic, the more I realized how important prayer for teachers and students is. I know you pray for your grandchildren in school, as I do for yours and mine. This year will be a turning point for many, and I pray this will be a prosperous school year.

    • This is a powerful and detailed reminder of how we can influence through prayer the atmosphere that our teachers and students live and work in. I do appreciate the specific prayer points – thank you. I will be praying them.

      • Post Author Jeannie Waters

        Lynne, I’m thanking God you found the prayer points helpful. I love your summary statement that “we can influence through prayer the atmosphere that our teachers and students live and work in.” When school busses pass by my house or when I drive by a school, I try to remember to pray for those inside. I appreciate your encouraging comments.

  2. J.D. Wininger

    Thank you for this timely, and most important, post Ms. Jeannie. While I pray for our schools, their administrators, staff, teachers, students, and family, I pray also for God’s guidance and influence upon each of their lives. Two other groups I pray especially hard for are Christian schools (under such extreme pressures) and homeschool families and children. The latter, as I’ve discovered in many cases may achieve a GED, but they’ve not received a true education. Life experience (lots of field trips to the zoo or the mall) does not bode well if the children don’t learn to read beyond a 5th grade level, apply critical-thinking, or learn problem-solving skills.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      When God brings particular groups to mind, it’s wise to focus our prayer as you do, J. D. Our Christian schools definitely need prayer in our current culture. I’ve found in many home school situations children excell academically and qualify for college scholarships, but like any school situation, all need prayer. I agree the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills are ciritcal for future success. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and affirming the need to pray.

  3. Kimberlyn Jones

    Thank you, Jeannie, for reminding us we can all be encouragers to students, teachers, and all who work to educate children.
    Your examples provide practical ways, some of which we may not of thought of before.
    My prayers for them begin today!

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Kimberlyn, I’m delighted you found the suggestions helpful. I think this year may be more critical than most for children and educators to know we’re praying for them and that we support their diligent work. Bravo for beginning your prayers for all of them today. Some teachers have already returned to work and students will soon follow. I appreciate your encouraging comments so much.

  4. Amen. I’m praying for every student, parent, grandparent, teacher, administrator, janitor, school resource officer, volunteer, cafeteria worker, and anyone who enters the doors of the schools. Praying for all schools. 🙂

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Melissa, thank you for including grandparents. Some grandparents are raising their grandchildren or volunteering in schools. With the wisdom of aging, they have so much to offer. I knew of a group of retirees who did prayer walks around school buildings before new school years began. May we be found faithful to lift all you mentioned to the Father in prayer and to offer support where we can.

  5. Jimmie+Annette+Ballard

    Thank you, Jeannie for wonderful information. I did not realize all that a teacher does until my daughter became a teacher. Prayer is much needed.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Yes, teaching is arduous work sometimes, but also very rewarding. You’re right, Jimmie Annette, that “prayer is much needed.” This year will be a turning point, I believe, for many students and educators after the challenges of last year. May God equip each one and remind us to prayer faithfully and offer support where we can.

  6. Jeannie, I love and appreciate this post.
    As educators we need to rally together in prayer for all involved in educating our children.
    As a homeschool mom of three, I am so blessed to have my hubby and my tribe of homeschool mamas for prayer and support.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      I’m grateful you have support, Dawn, and I know you’re an excellent teacher. Yes, you’re right, educators (and others) need to assure teachers and students of our prayer support. Thank you for reading and commenting, Dawn.

  7. Thank you, Jeannie, for your reminders that, “Instead of complaining and shaking our heads about the woes of our country’s schools, let’s lift the needs of educators and learners in each building to God.” I have taught for many years and your many practical ways to pray and put feet to our prayers are wonderfully thoughtful! I’ll be saving this to give me ideas as the school year progresses.

    I hope to get back this year to my now part-time job teaching elementary art. Last year it was decided that an art room full of children and not completely cleanable supplies was too much risk.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      I do hope you can teach art this year, Kathy. What a wonderful way for children to learn and create. I’m thankful you found the suggestions helpful and want to save them. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.

  8. Wonderful message, Jeannie. As a teacher, parent, grandparent, and concerned American, I worry about our children and teachers. This is such a challenging time for our schools and all those involved. Your message is timely and I hope we all will join you in prayer.

    • Katherine, you’re right that this is a challenging time for educators and students. Isn’t it exciting to think we can help by lifting their needs to God and offering support where we can? Thank you for joining me.

  9. What perfect reminders as we wrap up summer. I come from a long line of teachers on both sides of my family and have many friends who are teachers. I try to be faithful in praying for them throughout the year — they’re much needed!

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Leigh, I’m sure you’re well aware of the needs because you have family and friends who are educators. Thank you for your commitment to pray which will make a difference in the kingdom of Christ. I appreciate you reading and commenting, but most of all, I’m excited about your prayer commitment this school year. Thanks for your encouraging words, Leigh.

  10. Thank you for this reminder and excellent ideas for reaching out to our teachers and school administrators! It is always good to pray for the schools and teachers in our communities. I enjoyed your memories of your children starting school, they are so much fun to reflect on.

    • Thank you, Doreen. It’s fun to recall special school moments, isn’t it? I know that teachers appreciate our promises of prayer support. I’m glad you found the ideas helpful. I certainly appreciate your encouraging. comments!

  11. Jeannie,
    I love the spiritual reasons to pray as well as the practical suggestions for how to put feel and hands to our prayers by loving on the teachers in visible ways. You’ve opened my eyes to so many possibilities to impact my local school for Christ. Many thanks!

  12. Jeannie, this is so powerful! We were talking with a friend the other day who said that their church had been invited to come to their local school and pray for the students, teachers, and staff. What an opportunity! I will join you in praying for the many needs you discuss in your article. God bless you for bringing these needs to our attention.

  13. Lori, I’m delighted you agreed and found the suggestions helpful. I know teachers at your local school will be blessed by your efforts and your prayer support. Thanks so much for your comments.

  14. June, how exciting to hear of this school-church partnership! Thank you for sharing. I’m delighted you’re joining me in this effort to lift students and the staffs of our schools to the Lord. How many will be blessed of God!

  15. Our schools have always needed our prayers but never more than now. Children in schools will be our future leaders and teachers need protection from policies that limit their freedom of speech. Thanks for reminding us as a new school year approaches to keep the teachers, students, and staff of schools in our communities safe and productive.

  16. Barbara, you mentioned important points which emphasize our responsibility and privilege to pray for teachers and students. Thank you for adding to our conversation and underlining the necessity of faithful prayer support.

  17. I love your post. I started working in our high school two years ago and my eyes were opened to so much of what the kids are struggling with. The schools need to be saturated in prayer. I am definitely praying with you.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Jennifer, I love your description of the schools being “saturated with prayer.” Most us wouldn’t know the needs that exist unless we had the inside view. Thank you so much for taking the time to add your encouraging comments. May God bless your commitment to prayer.

  18. Jeannie, this is well thought out and comes with heart! Our children and schools are in a battle that is sometimes illusive and always in need of prayer and practical support. Our church adopted a school this past year, to especially meet, pray for, and write notes of encouragement to teachers and staff. It sounds like we’re not the only ones! Thank you for your generous post.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Dawn, what a wonderful ministry for your church to adopt a school! Your use of the word “battle” is appropriate. Schools are filled with Christian students and teachers who need prayer support, as well as those who do not yet know Christ. I’m confident the staff of “your” school will be blessed and will appreciate your efforts. Thanks so much for sharing good news.

  19. Evelyn Mason Wells

    What a wonderful walk down memory lane for you, and what a blessing for those of us who read and enjoyed your marvelous devotion. I love your suggestions and your insight in supporting students, teachers, and other school personnel. I have a friend who teaches first grade. Every year before school starts she asks for prayer warriors to volunteer to pray for a student. I’m awaiting the “number” of the child I’m assigned this year. It has been such a joy to pray for these children.

  20. Jeannie+Waters

    Evelyn, I know you’re excited about praying for a student in your friend’s class. I’m sure her faith is buoyed by the assurance that friends are praying for her students. We can only imagine the results if each student in our schools had a committed prayer warrior lifting them to the Lord. Thank you so much for your encouraging words and your faithfulness in prayer.

  21. Teachers and students really do need prayer now. Thank you for reminding me to pray for my unmotivated ones.

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